MCCDDC meets the second Tuesday of each month at 5:00 pm at 204 Crescent Drive, Macon Missouri. Meetings are open to the public. Sunshine laws apply.
Founded in 1966 as the Commission on Accreditation for Rehabilitation Facilities, this organization is now known as CARF, an international, not-for-profit organization that accredits human services providers.
βTo meet the administrative needs of the board and tax payers and to remain fiscally responsible, LOQW provides administrative work to the board. Services are provided in areas to include administration, human resources, technology, finances, safety, and building maintenance.
Join Us
Macon County Commission for Developmentally Disabled Citizens (MCCDDC) was established by the passage of a special property tax levy in 1984. Citizens of Macon County supported this measure to help people with developmental disabilities and their families receive support, advocacy, and connection to resources in their communities.
Macon County Commission for Developmentally Disabled Citizens
Service Coordination assists individuals who are eligible for services from the Division of Developmental Disabilities in accessing comprehensive medical, social, educational, and other specialized services.
Our Mission
It is the mission of MCCDDC to positively impact the lives of individuals through support, advocacy, and connection to resources.